February 25, 2010

Always a child

I recently received some life changing, oh my God news. The kind that makes you rethink everything you know, who you are, where you are going, what life holds...and means. Generally, I have not shared that news yet. I'm just not ready. I'm not sure if it's denial...no I can't deny it, it is a proven undeniable fact. It doesn't feel right to make a big announcement...yet. Eventually it will be evident. One of the most painful thoughts I had, among the million competing for my attention was the fact that my parents would never know. My Mom died 16 months ago, my Dad, 25 months prior. It never fails, when something new or big happens, my first thought is to share with Mom. No matter how old we get, how grown up we are, it seems we're always the children of our parents.

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