February 10, 2010

Cry me a river

Have you ever had one of those days where it seems everything converges at a point just meant to tear you asunder? I got news that I wasn't expecting. Even the messenger of the news referred to it as "disturbing." I'm not going to share, so you'll just have to take my word for it. It is life altering. I am not dealing well with it. And I usually deal so well people think I have no feelings. There is the second problem...I seem to have landed right smack in the middle of over-emotional, under-equipped day. This used to be referred to as PMS, but since my hysterectomy I'm not sure what to call it, but crazy psycho bitch comes to mind. So now I have life altering news dealt to crazy psycho bitch...then someone wants to gnaw on my ass a little bit. Just a tad, around the edges. Needless to say, I did not have a good day. I can't change the news or the chewer, so I'm not seeing a shiny silver lining at the moment. I can hope for some mood stabilizing, it usually happens...eventually. Everyone says it will get better, and I know, somewhere, deep down that it is true. Is it too much to ask for sooner rather than later? I can't drink at work.

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