April 22, 2009

Bella vs Sookie

I don't think I'll be in much danger of producing a spoiler here, but just in case...you've been warned.

I recently completed the Twilight series, then a slight dodge to the left and read the latest Harry Dresden/Butcher book, and now I have started on the first Sookie Stackhouse novel. It never occurred to me until now, that all of them have vampires.

Anyways...The Sookie Stackhouse series is written by Charlaine Harris and I am told the HBO series True Blood is based on them. I'm only 63 pages into the first book but I have already found it a bit disconcerting to discover an all too familiar story line...mortal meets vampire. One of them is telepathic and can hear the thoughts of every person in the world except for...you guessed it. In Twilight, Edward, the vampire, is telepathic and the mortal, Sookie, is in the Stackhouse book. I'm sure I'm not the only person that has noticed this glaring similarity. As I said I'm only 63 pages in, I'll hold my judgement for a while...but I am still reading. I am not above ditching a book that does not hold my attention. I don't know if Sookie will win me over...we'll see. Right now she just seems a little too perky, but then that may be easier to deal with than the insecure needy Bella.

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