April 05, 2009

Don't kill the guys on horses

That would be the lesson I've learned in my first 24 hours of playing Oblivion. Actually there have been lots of lessons...most of them involving the buttons on the controller and the scrolling of menus. I am, at least, capable of defending myself...most of the time. Let's just say, that I am dead less often.

I bought my Xbox earlier this year and set about conquering Lost Odyssey. I discovered several problems early on...mainly the characters annoyed me and I hated the dream/movie sequences. I kept thinking, if I had the chance I'd kill several of my own party members. I managed through 3 of the 4 disks, then I ran into a problem that I couldn't solve...and didn't care. The linear design of the game kept me from wandering aimlessly, but it also kept me from exploring. The turn based fighting helped me learn the buttons but made the fights feel preordained. I absolutely hated all the swirly lights (dramatic effect?) wasting my time prior to every combat. I also did not like that I had to reach a certain save point before ending the game. That made it very difficult to play when time is often limited.

So Saturday, I traded in Odyssey for Oblivion...a game I have heard so many rave about. I spent many of my first hours being killed...by one particular gremlin witch that liked throwing electricity at me. But I found myself laughing that I was being thwarted so early in the game. I will also note here that I spent a tremendous amount of time designing the look of my character to hardly ever see her. I killed an Imperial Guard, quite by accident....I know, tell it to the judge. Except there isn't one. I paid my fine and happily went on my way. The next time I wasn't so lucky...no gold. What the hell, I resisted arrest and again went happily on my way...but not for long. Off to jail, do not pass GO!, do not collect $200. I did my time...and did not realize that when I was released, I was practically naked. That's a sense of humor for you.

I have no clue where I am, and only a slight clue as to where I may be going. Actually I'm standing in front of a gigantic wooden door...helpful? I didn't think so. I am enjoying the game. Hopefully I can keep myself occupied so that I do not feel like I am aimlessly wandering...unless that is exactly what I am doing.

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