April 01, 2009

Explains a lot

I am apparently surrounded by unseen forces, for arguments sake and because it's my blog, we'll call them fairies. I guess we could call them unicorns, but I refuse to believe that I would miss the evidence of something that big occupying even invisible space with me. I could also call them angels...or demons, but they seem much more benign. I also do not like trolls, as they are smelly...so I select fairies. These fairies seem quite content to live on the periphery of my world...stealing socks, poking holes in perfectly good shirts, moving things to trip me up. They seem endlessly amused by applying bright silver color to my hair while I sleep...so that I have to color it back to it's proper multi-toned hues every few weeks to keep from looking like a Christmas tree layered in tinsel. I mean if they want me all sparkly, how about jewelry? Not all of their activities are so detrimental, they can be rather helpful. Last Sunday when I went to bed, I forgot that my alarm clock was set to the god awful hour of 4:30AM (set the weekend before to clear security and catch the flight to Mexico). I set two alarms every night, one to radio, the second to an annoying beep-beep-beep sound that I do not want to start my day with...but have just in case I sleep through the radio. I have in a semi-dazed predawn mind wondered why someone was talking in my room while I was trying to sleep, before realizing it was the radio signaling time to start my day. Anyway, the fairies stepped in to rescue me from my oversight and turned the volume of the radio off! Thus allowing me to sleep undisturbed until the wonderful hour of 5:40AM! So I have to ask myself, is it worth it...or should I try mouse traps?

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