May 05, 2009

Best Shirt

I guess just about everybody has had a favorite shirt at one time or another. The one you'd wear everyday...if people wouldn't make fun of you. It may grow old and a little ragged, but it's still your favorite. Imagine one day you open your closet and your favorite shirt is nowhere to be found. You search high and low, but nothing. No matter what you do you can't seem to reconnect. Sure, there are other shirts, lots of them. Same color, same style, same fabric...but not the same. There is no history with these shirts. You go on, buy a new one or two. But you always wonder what happened. You tell yourself that you really had outgrown the old shirt, that it really didn't fit you so well anymore. But it was so comfortable. Eventually a new shirt will become your favorite. You may have to shop for a while and try on lots of new ones. Then one day, down the road, the old favorite pops up out of nowhere. Can you have two favorites? Does that stand in opposition to the definition of favorite? Or is it time to toss the old shirt permanently? After really doesn't fit anymore.

Look up metaphor.

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