October 10, 2014


Four letter words have always boggled my mind. What makes them "four letter words," except the weight given to them by society? What is the difference between shit and poop? Both four letter words, meaning the same thing. So why is one forbidden in polite company? I will admit to having a 'mouth', at times. I'll drop the F bomb, in the company of friends, and not think a lot about it. I've been known to use bitch, a four letter word...that has five letters, as a term of endearment. But there is one four letter word that I dislike, a lot. I am not sure why; it's no worse than any other. I don't recall it ever being used in a way that makes it stand out. But I give it weight in my mind. It is an insult of the highest magnitude. But sometimes, on a very, very, rare, as in almost never, occasion, you just have to say...

What a cunt!

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