October 03, 2014


Have you ever wondered why women are so hard on themselves over their looks? I mean besides the thin obsessed, super model, movie star, photo edited to unbelievable proportions, pin-up, world we live in. I have a theory. I know, you're surprised, right?

I assume of lot of women are just like me, at least, in this one particular thing. We start our day by looking at an over exaggerated version of our own face. My make-up mirror is 5X magnification. Yes, I have huge pores. The fine hairs on my face are gigantic. I can see every single, little, and not so little line. Every. One. There is no place for them to hide. Why do I do this to myself? With my new and improved, surgically corrected vision, I can't see up close...unless it's really BIG! And I'm telling you, it's really hard to put on mascara if you can't see your eyelashes. Ouch. So after looking at yourself, up close and personal, it's hard to believe that everyone isn't seeing all of your imperfections. They are right there, flaws on display. Pores. Spots. Lines. Mustache. I should buy stock in Maybelline and Covergirl. I doubt this is going to get better with time. I guess I could quit putting myself through it, just stop wearing make-up altogether. Ha-ha-ha-snort, sorry.

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