October 19, 2014

Hop, skip and jump in time

I am trying to keep my head in the here and now. Or, at least, in this week. I spent yesterday daydreaming about Mexico with my travel companions. Ahhhh. But the next time is still a bit over the horizon. I even have another vacation, before that one...and the holidays. Halloween is on the horizon but I have serious stuff to deal with even sooner than that. Hence, my reminder to keep my mind from skipping too far ahead. There are things to deal with...and enjoy, right now. My favorite season is Fall. It is fleeting enough, I don't won't it to slip through my fingers.

October 17, 2014

Thickening my skin

I know it is not so.
At least, I don't think so.
But I feel like I am being mocked.
People have taken to referring to me as, skinny.
I try to accept it with the good intentions meant.
I have lost nearly forty pounds.
But, I am not skinny.
I am just, skinnier.

October 15, 2014

A Nurse's perspective on Ebola...

Yes, Ebola is scary. Being a person that works in a hospital, I don't want it where I work. Being a person that flies, I don't want to share space with sick people. The news from Africa is horrible. I won't deny any of this. But to give it a bit of perspective...

The latest WHO numbers is 4,447 deaths for Ebola. According to the same group (WHO) there are about 250,000 to 500,000 yearly deaths from the FLU. Flu kills millions during epidemic years. Estimates, from the CDC, is that 3,000 to a high of about 49,000 people die in the US alone from the flu. All that, with vaccines.

There are a lot of issues going on, from superstition to corruption, that is daunting efforts to control the Ebola outbreak. I am concerned for the infrastructure here to handle an epidemic. Dallas wasn't able to handle the isolation of one patient. Evidenced, by the fact, that they have two healthcare workers now testing positive.

I am not saying, don't worry. I think we all need to pay attention to what is going on in the world. It is scary stuff. But keep perspective.

And get a flu shot.

October 11, 2014

Blood Moon

On October 8, 2014, we had a lunar eclipse. 

 This occurs when the Moon passes behind the Earth, into the Earth's shadow. There is an alignment of the Sun, Earth and Moon. 
The result is a rust colored moon, called the blood moon.
 And the inspiration for the name of this blog.

And the perfect excuse for taking photos...even at 6AM.

October 10, 2014


Four letter words have always boggled my mind. What makes them "four letter words," except the weight given to them by society? What is the difference between shit and poop? Both four letter words, meaning the same thing. So why is one forbidden in polite company? I will admit to having a 'mouth', at times. I'll drop the F bomb, in the company of friends, and not think a lot about it. I've been known to use bitch, a four letter word...that has five letters, as a term of endearment. But there is one four letter word that I dislike, a lot. I am not sure why; it's no worse than any other. I don't recall it ever being used in a way that makes it stand out. But I give it weight in my mind. It is an insult of the highest magnitude. But sometimes, on a very, very, rare, as in almost never, occasion, you just have to say...

What a cunt!

October 03, 2014


Have you ever wondered why women are so hard on themselves over their looks? I mean besides the thin obsessed, super model, movie star, photo edited to unbelievable proportions, pin-up, world we live in. I have a theory. I know, you're surprised, right?

I assume of lot of women are just like me, at least, in this one particular thing. We start our day by looking at an over exaggerated version of our own face. My make-up mirror is 5X magnification. Yes, I have huge pores. The fine hairs on my face are gigantic. I can see every single, little, and not so little line. Every. One. There is no place for them to hide. Why do I do this to myself? With my new and improved, surgically corrected vision, I can't see up close...unless it's really BIG! And I'm telling you, it's really hard to put on mascara if you can't see your eyelashes. Ouch. So after looking at yourself, up close and personal, it's hard to believe that everyone isn't seeing all of your imperfections. They are right there, flaws on display. Pores. Spots. Lines. Mustache. I should buy stock in Maybelline and Covergirl. I doubt this is going to get better with time. I guess I could quit putting myself through it, just stop wearing make-up altogether. Ha-ha-ha-snort, sorry.