August 03, 2014


I am not sure when we forgot about other people. I see so much rudeness everyday that I just don't understand. Here are a few of the rules I think people need to relearn.

1. The people you are with, are more important than the people on the phone. This includes calls, texts and Facebook. If I am out with others and get a call, I check the ID, if it is not my husband or sons, I let it go to voice mail. If I answer and it's not an emergency, I cut the call off as quickly as possible (see rule #2) and apologize to the actual person I am with. I believe this is true for businesses as well. If I drove to your business, I should take priority over the person calling. And, if you are ready to check out at a business, or otherwise need to deal face to face with another person, put your phone away. Show respect, look other people in the face and have one to one conversations. This includes servers at a restaurant.

2. If you call someone and they say something like: I'm eating, out to dinner, driving, etc. offer to call them back or ask them to call you when it's convenient. Yes, I know you likely had an agenda when you called, but if your listener is busy keep it brief.

3. Unless you have specifically been told different, calling early morning or late nights is unacceptable. If you call me before 10 AM or after 9 PM, my mind immediately screams, emergency!

4. Loud noises, just like phone calls, should be limited by the time on the clock. Why is it necessary to mow your lawn at 6:30 AM? Yes, I have a neighbor that does this. Unless a storm has swept through the neighborhood and trees need to be cleared, there really is no reason for chainsaws after dark. For me, noise includes, screaming kids, loud music and 1 AM basketball games. Oh, and fireworks!

5. Your opinion, unless expressly requested, should be kept to yourself. I don't know why some people feel it is necessary to share their negativity with the rest of the world. On the other hand, please do share compliments and when someone makes an honest attempt at a compliment, accept it graciously, even if it was worded awkwardly (You look nice, today.)

6. Say please, thank you, excuse me. It's not that hard.

It surprises me how often people tell me I am nice. Maybe it's because I haven't forgotten how to interact with real people.


Saunya said...

All of these and then some. However, #5 touches a nerve for me. I am so tired of hearing "I'm just being honest." Um, no. You are over sharing your opinion. No one needs to hear your every thought/opinion.

Echo said...

Unless it's my blog, where I share my opinion. ;)