November 03, 2012

So many wrongs, one right

Power corrupts.

It is the first thing that comes to mind when I consider the impending presidential election. Don't worry, this will not be a spin campaign for one of the candidates or a smear campaign against the other. I'll leave that mess to the individuals that get paid big bucks to bend, twist and distort reality.

I wish integrity would find it's way back into government. I jokingly suggested that the candidates be connected to lie detectors during the debate...wouldn't it be nice if you knew you could make an educated decision based on facts?

I am disgusted about the amount of money spent on the campaigns. It is obscene...especially when so many people are struggling to stay afloat. Wouldn't people still vote for a president without spending millions of dollars? If both campaigns were limited to a equal dollar amount, would it make a difference?

When did winning become more important than people? You know, those people, the ones voting. So much fighting. So many power plays. Such division. Instead of asking, what is best for our country? They ask, what do I, or the party, want? I sometimes think they disagree just to test their power. I'll show you.

And stupidity. How can educated people be so stupid? Some of the stuff that comes out of their mouths...

I'll be glad when the election is over. I'm not expecting much, no matter who wins. They are so insulated, isolated and polarized. They have no clue what it is like to live in the real world where actions have consequences, trust is an issue, money is limited and nobody is constantly whispering in your ear seeking favor.

The one right in all this? The right to vote. To live in a country where choice is an option.

I just wish I could  feel confident about my choice. I wish I could make a commitment based on truth, honesty, knowledge and vision.

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