July 12, 2012

RIP Jimmy

I found out today that the guy I consider my first boyfriend, died of a massive stroke a few months ago. We were a couple for a few months...I think I was in the 7th grade, he was a sophmore. Big stuff. We obviously didn't make it as a couple, but we stayed friends for the next few years. Him acting as my big brother, along with a few others, and making it difficult to have a "love life". The kind of thing you can do when the people are young and the relationship simple. He graduated and I didn't see him so much. But he always had a big smile and a hug for me. I think the last time I'd seen him was...wow, maybe 10 years ago. We didn't really know each other anymore, just memories of people and times long gone. But he still had a smile, still happy to see me. 

He was 52.

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