December 31, 2011

New Year's Eve...I'm going to rant a bit.

New Year's Eve, seems the perfect time to get a few things off my mind. So I am going to sit here with my hardcore pumpkin spice coffee and do so.

The latest news on my mind, the Governor of Kentucky vetoed a merger between several local hospitals declaring that it was not in the public's best interest. I am not going to debate that point. Even I could see some problems in the proposed plan. This is also going to effect me directly as it may be the end of, or the saving of, my job. That fall out is yet to be seen. I am hoping for the best and expecting the worst because I like my job. There are a couple of things that annoy me, outside of the personal issue. One, this merger had publicly been in the works for months, many, many months, before the government stepped in. Time, money and resources wasted, at a time when money is already hard to come by. (Personally, I think Medicare will eventually bankrupt the system). I suspect there were other entities putting there fingers in the pie and stirring the pot because the merger was not in their best interest. Two, does the government have the right to step in and make this decision? The Governor stated that University Hospital falls under Public Trust (The public trust doctrine is the principal that certain resources are preserved for public use, and that the government is required to maintain them for the public's reasonable use.) Which lead me right up to my next grumble. If University Hospital is a public trust and the government is required to maintain it...why was it in such a dire situation requiring it to look to merger for financial assistance? Because believe me that is what this was all about. The Catholic run hospital system, CHI, has the money to put in. But along with their money comes their birth control. And that is where the government stepped in. So my next question would be, so what now? They stopped the merger but what are they going to do to save University Hospital? The public's best interest will not be served if the hospital closes. Oh, and by the way, if you think University is the only hospital giving indignant care in the city, let me sit down and laugh at you naivete...until I cry. I have been in a position to see the $$$ spent on care to the under and uninsured at other hospitals in town. So what does the future hold? My Magic 8 Ball replies, "Who the hell knows." I don't...I'm just waiting to see if I still have a job.

Wow, that felt good. I seem to have forgotten the other stuff I wanted to rant about...oh wait, there it is.

I went out to the mall yesterday. Yes, I know that was my first mistake. I spent a couple of hours wandering here and there with a mental list of a few items that I could, might, possibly, need if they were to materialize in the right size, shape, color and price range. (I came home empty handed). The mall was very crowded with, I suppose, post holiday bargain shoppers and people with Christmas money burning holes in their pockets...the exact things that had driven me to drive to the mall. So, there I am, aimlessly wandering through a sea of other aimless wanders. A situation that requires, actually begs for, manners. I had one person say, "Excuse me." as she passed between me and the item I was aimlessly staring at. ONE, in like two or three hours in a crowded mall! Believe me, there were many opportunities for people to pull out and polish their niceties. (Example: I stopped and picked up a shoe box dropped by an overburdened father. Overburdened by multiple small children, and apparently new shoes for them all. He had his hands full and, as I mentioned earlier, I did not.) So much for good will to men. People suck.

Ahhh, my chest feels definitely better. Good to unburden.

Now on to a few other things that need mentioning here on this last day of the year...

I love my friends. They make me happy. I have a good family, mostly non-biological. I am generally happy...only a few things weigh heavy on my mind. I have a job I really like and hope to hold onto. I am looking south, towards Mexico, again as the weather turns colder and friends that are willing to go with me. Actually, quite a few friends (11 currently) have popped up and said they'd like to go in 2013. I guess that is assuming the whole world ending thing isn't a problem. See, not everything is a gripe.

Lastly, my birthday is quickly approaching. I'm getting old, maybe I shouldn't have said, lastly. In 6 days, on the 6th, I get a 0 on my birthday. Zeroes only come around once a decade (like the other numbers, shhhh) and need to be treated with dignity and I'm getting a masquerade party! An excuse to dress up outrageously...have I mentioned I love my friends?

And lastly, I didn't want that lastly attached to my birthday to be blog, my rules. Life is not going to change tomorrow just because we all bought new calendars...get over it. Celebrate anyway. Make resolutions that you never keep. Keep promises, never made. Love, laugh, drink and be merry...but designate a driver.

Happy New Year.

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