December 24, 2011

They're baaaaack

The holidays. How is it, that it's already been another year? Life is moving too fast on a large scale. Even my weeks seem to fly by.

It's Christmas Eve and I am not ready for Christmas. The tree is up and decorated. The gifts are wrapped. The baking is done and delivered, although very unsuccessful. The banana nut bread needs a do over. But I am not emotionally prepared. I am not ready for it to be over. I think I am still secretly, in my heart of hearts, waiting for that moment of shiny brightness called holiday joy, family, peace of earth and good will to men. I hate Hallmark and Hollywood. Truly. There just isn't enough time between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's like a two care drive by. I'm still trying to get the license number on the first one when the second one rushes by. Then New Years, quickly followed by my birthday. Bam, bam, bam, bam...and I sit in the street in stunned silence. Glad that it's done but wishing it could have lingered to be savored just a bit more.

I am not complaining. I am not wishing it to be all done and over with. This is the first time I've ever had a job that seemed to recognize the holidays. I have 2 four day weekends. I spent 4 1/2 hours yesterday with 2 great friends. We exchanged goodies, ate lunch and talked...and talked. It was so relaxing. Perfect companionship. When I got home I was surprised by my son and the grand munchkin. Since the grandson would be going out of town we sat down and gave them their presents. It is a great joy to watch a child open presents...even if he wants to eat the wrapping paper and play with the box.

There will be more celebrating today and more tomorrow. We do not believe that everything has to happen on a particular just makes life unnecessarily complicated.

Much to do, as the sky begins to lighten, so if you celebrate Christmas, merry. If you celebrate another feast, happy. If you have chosen a different path, well met. I hope that you find joy and merriment, may your cup runneth over and your harvest be bountiful. May you be surrounded by the people that give you happiness and may you be a blessing to each of them. I wish you smooth seas and the stars to navigate by.

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