June 14, 2009

Shiver me timbers

I was awoke this morning at 5AM by a growl that sent my body into immediate fight or flight response...those old primal responses are alive and well in this modern human.

I share my home with a 90+ pound black lab. He does most of his growling in his sleep, something I find endlessly amusing...not menacing. But this morning he let out a sound that I had me wide awake and heart pounding, adrenaline flowing, in an instant. Now mind you, this dog was nowhere near me...in fact we were on different floors. I had never heard him utter such a vicious sound and I have had him over 7 years...that suddenly explains all the scratching, 7 year itch!!! ha ha ha. Okay, you had to be there.

Anyway...I jump out of bed, throw on a gown and head for the stairs. There was an instant of hesitation as I considered arming myself from a selection of available weapons...swords, knives, whips, chains...for the sake of honesty, I will admit that I do not own a chain that is weapon worthy. About this time my dog barks/yips and I fore go armament and go to check out the situation.

My dog is standing at the glass back door, hackles at full attention and the motion sensor light is on. Now it is good to note that whatever has him acting like a vicious guard dog is actually still on the outside of my house. I walk over to the door to have a look and to my dismay...there are, count them 1, 2, 3 pugs standing on my deck. The three of these dogs combined would add up to half of my dogs weight. So what is his issue that has woke me at 5 in the morning ready for battle??? They are licking the empty take-out container that his dinner had been in. You got to be kidding me...are you senile? I tell him to go lay down...after assuring him that he was a good baby and I go back to bed.

But apparently, at least one of these pugs is horribly confused and think they live here and want in. How do they express this desire? But of course, they cry, whine and yes...even howl. A thin, nails on chalk board, plaintive cry. I wonder which power in the universe is finding this roll on the floor, side aching, funny?


I consider my options, most of which involve me getting up, dressed and heading outdoors. I opt for a pillow over my head and hopes that the racket will be annoying enough to wake up another member of my sleeping family. Fat chance.

I eventually win the quest for sleep...for a few hours. I get up this morning, start coffee and go to let the dog out and there is still one lone pug waiting at my back door. Little dude, on second glance dudette, you are horribly lost and confused. This is not your house, you do not live here and NO you can not come in. I eventually had to chase her off and close my gate. I don't have to close the gate for my dog, he knows his boundaries.

I've never seen these 3 dogs before...perhaps a new neighbor. But I have a few suggestions...keep your dogs in YOUR yard, I already have one and don't want yours. Not to mention the legal and health issues...and danger to your little dogs running around in the dark. Second, put a collar and tags on them. At least that way I can call and wake your ass up at 5AM to come and get them.

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