June 21, 2009

I call bullshit

I briefly heard a man talking on a radio talk show this morning...and it was brief, I will admit, as I don't listen to talk radio. But just the one statement I heard sent me on a mental rampage. He said something along the lines of, people were being financially exploited because of all the liquor stores and lottery outlets in a certain neighborhood. What? Sorry, I have to call bullshit! I don't care what kind of stores are in my neighborhood...I don't have to buy what they're selling. I go to the grocery every week...I walk right past the cookies, candy and chips. Nobody is making me spend my money.

Stores are not going to flourish where they are not supported. If you have 3 liquor store in a mile, it's because they can all get enough business to succeed. And you think because you ban a business from a geographical location...an absurdity in itself with maybe the exception of schools, that people are not going to haul their asses to the nearest available vendor of what they want? Again...bullshit.

Business are just that, a business selling a product that enough people want and will spend money for to keep that business viable. And it doesn't have to be the local neighborhood bar.What happened to freedom of choice and personal responsibility? If someone is spending all their money getting drunk and hoping to hit it big on the lottery they are not being exploited...they're being stupid. Where they live has nothing to do with it. I wonder if there are any mental health and substance abuse clinics nearby...and how's business?

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