June 06, 2009

An open letter to the Louisville Fire Fighters and Crusade for Children

First off, I support your dedication and your cause. We write a check every year and drop change at numerous locations throughout the summer. But when you come into our neighborhood at 10AM on a Saturday morning I must cry FOUL!

Have you ever considered the panic you may cause by the wail of sirens in a neighborhood?

Not to mention the sheer lack of courtesy. There are lots of people that enjoy sleeping in on Saturday...or worse just dropped into bed after a long night at work. Nurses, for example, work 7PM-7AM...you allow them just enough time to fall asleep before blasting through their neighborhood...repeatedly. This morning, vehicles kept circling our block, creating a nonstop raucous for at least 30 minutes.

I am reconsidering my donation. Maybe if enough of us do so, you'll go away...or at least rethink your tactics. There are plenty of quiet, considerate, organizations out there that would love to take my money.

1 comment:

Organic Meatbag said...

Amen sister... and they are becoming a hazard in their roadside collection practice...we were driving down towards Southern KY on Friday, and instead of being at a stop sign or traffic light, there was a turd-brained woman actually in the middle of a busy two lane road trying to collect! People were having to swerve to avoid hitting her...what a dumb-ass...