March 21, 2009

Sleep disorders and other advantages

I have a sleep disorder. It probably has a name, but I don't remember what it is. All I know is sometimes, I just don't sleep. This can actually go two ways. I can not get to sleep and feel tired and miserable. Or I sleep very soundly for a short period then wake up...wide awake, and can't go back to sleep leaving me guessed it, tired and miserable later in the day. I could probably take a 10-20 minute nap every two to four hours and feel great. However, work really frowns on napping.

There are advantages to "power sleeping". I'm supposed to be up this morning to catch a flight. Instead of rushing around trying to get there on time, I am sitting here casually talking to you...and drinking homemade, rather than airport, coffee. I am calm, cool and collected...and if I am really lucky I'll be able to nap on the plane.

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