March 16, 2009

Breaking Dawn


If you have not read the Twilight series and think you might want to, go away NOW!

I read this massive 700+ page book over the weekend. I have not devoured books like this in a long time...and they're romance novels (with just a twist of supernatural) for crying out loud. Teen romance even! Yet I found myself glued to the pages. The four book series encompasses over 2000 pages and I think I've read all four in the span of about 10 days.

It was nice to see Bella a little more self assured in this book, but I still found myself annoyed with her...must have been all the mushy, I love you more than life, crap. As I've said before, I am not a huge fan of romance novels. So the teenager falls in love with the vampire...and the werewolf. There's some tears and anger and a few close calls...but it all works out in the end...sort of.

Somewhere about the middle of the book (SPOILER ALERT...just making sure you're paying attention) when Jacob imprints on Nessie, I had to put it down and walk away. I thought, you've got to be kidding me! Yes, they had explained how it worked and it wasn't creepy sexual...unlike the 100 year old vampire in love with a 17 year old girl. But for some reason it just made me go...ahhhh! I resisted the urge to toss the book across the room. I walked away...but it wasn't long before I was flipping pages again to find out, what's next?

Suddenly all the issues of the three way love affair were resolved in a nice neat tidy little box. Game over. Almost.

Actually the story seemed to end there...but the author thought not. So there are a few more hundred pages. Just consider it bonus material.

I'm curious to read something else she has written. Is she a good author being able to pull in the reader, or did she just get lucky with a couple of supernatural "bad boy" heroes and a insecure, irrational, annoying, needy heroine?

Did I enjoy the books? Yes. Did I like the books? Not so much. Does that makes sense? My blog, not necessary.

In the end, I spent 10 days engrossed in a story with characters I cheered for and mostly liked. I won't complain about that. But it left me feeling let down in some way I can't quite describe.

Maybe I'm just not sure what to do now with my free time.

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