January 14, 2015

What I think...

This will surprise some people, I actually have thoughts I do not express. Well, out loud.  These are usually angry thoughts. I do not wish to, um, tip the apple cart, so I keep them to myself. Or, the subject of my irritation is unavailable to receive my rant. And, as this forum is my outlet for such expression...

Initially, I though you were, perhaps, a bit immature. It's okay, immaturity has a cure. It's called time. But time passed. So after thought, and it didn't take a lot, I've decided that you are just selfish. 

Sometimes it's okay to be a little selfish, one must look out for themselves. But you are not a little selfish. You are full blown egocentric, self-centered, inconsiderate, uncaring, selfish. There is no other, beyond what you want. It does not matter who gets hurt as you bulldoze through life, as long as you get what you want. 

I am not sure what to wish for more, that in time you will mature, or that karma just takes a great big gigantic bite of your ass.

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