January 09, 2015

Magic Grandma

My grandson and I have had a bit of difficulty identifying me. I know that sounds strange. This may not even be the first blog entry on the subject. But, for the first time, he seems to have settled on a moniker for me. Magic Grandma. Yes, you heard that right. He started off calling me, Her. As grandpa had a habit of telling him, "Go get her." Confusion completely understandable. After deciding that being called Her, as funny as it was, was not really how I wanted to be known, we tried a few traditional titles...mamaw, grandma, meme, nana. He rejected them all, and suggested, Sheila. The name of his favorite purple dinosaur. OK, it was purple, my favorite color, but it was a dinosaur. Maybe Her wasn't do bad. I dropped the subject and in true, head in the sand fashion, hoped it would just work itself out. Then, suddenly, I was Magic Grandma. He declares, when entering the house, "I want to play with Magic Grandma."

Our assumption is, this has something to do with the fact that our dog's name is Majik (pronounced Magic). I mean is that too far of a leap in logic? It amuses the hell out of me on so many levels. I don't know how long I will be Magic Grandma, but it has lasted longer than any other...and he came up with it on his own. I told the husband recently, that when our old man dog passes on, we'll have to get another dog. I think we'll name that one...Favorite. Just in case.

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