June 07, 2014

A reminder...

as I may need to remember this again, sometime.

Lots of people want easy solutions. Easy, as in, they don't have to work to solve the problem. But since they don't have anything invested in the solution, they can complain about it. I have never been afraid to work. I will often take the lead when nobody else wants to. Give me a problem, I will try to provide a solution. But if I am going to do all the work I expect a, jeez thanks, not abuse. If you are not going to like the way I do things, do them yourself.

I say this is a reminder, because this is not my first go round. I say I may need to remember this again, because it probably won't be my last go round either. Finding a solution to a problem just seems to be a part of my nature. Maybe, because for 9 years, that is how I described my job...professional problem solver. I am used to hearing someone say, I want, need, wish, etc. followed by something they have been unable to accomplish, and accomplishing it. Seldom was it a thankful job, but I was good at it. I am a creative problem solver. When nobody else will stand up and say, let me fix that, I tend to, rather than sit around and moan that something needs to be done. I suck at sitting on my hands. I suck at wishing for a solution out of thin air. But, for awhile, I need to keep my head down, my eyes straight ahead and my mouth shut. I won't be riding to the rescue.

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