September 26, 2012

A rose by any other name

About the time my grandson was born, people asked me what he was going to call me. I thought this an odd question. I just figured he would decide what he'd call me, kind of, as we went along. I mean the choices are sort of limited. I grew up with a grandma and a mamaw, even though mamaw was not related by blood...neither were a lot of my aunts. There is nana, which I always thought was made up by somebody that didn't want to be called grandma. And we'll just veto granny. It did not occur to me that I would need to pick a name to refer to myself. With my kids it was automatic to say, "Give it to momma."

Well this weekend, it was confirmed that he has indeed picked a name. I am....


I wasn't sure about this until we played 'name the family' at his birthday party. He would point, and ask, "Who that?" I would answer. Then my husband pointed at me and asked Hunter, "Who is that?" Hunter responded, "Her."

Quit laughing.

I know where it comes from. I say, "Go get papaw." The husband says, you got it, "Go get her."

It's sweet and adorable. He's two and doesn't know better. I wonder how long I'll be her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is too funny. I chose nanny and repeated it over and over, but my granddaughter still either calls me momma or mawmaw. Go figure. No matter though, grandbabies are fun!
