June 12, 2012


I have had some bizarre dreams recently. Some of which I would only share with close friends. Some of which I'll keep to myself. I am not sure what has produced such vivid dreaming. I am grateful for the sleep.

Last nights dream stuck with me through the day. This is another aspect of these dreams, they don't shred like gossamer at the sound of the alarm. In the dream I was being interviewed. They had asked me a long list of questions. I'm not sure why I was being interviewed. The questions were not job related nor were they subject related. A lot of interests, beliefs, thoughts, etc were covered. Some were very intrusive, but did not bother me in the dream. I answered all of the questions honestly...and without a hint of sarcasm or wit. Not me at all. Now that I think about it, it was like I was in a trance. Eventually, the interviewer struck on the subject of religion. I explained my beliefs and dis-beliefs. But for the first time in the interview, he was accepting of my answer. He wanted a word. I told him I could not give him one. I am not Christian or any other religious affiliation. I am not agnostic or atheist. He pointed out that I kept telling him what I was not. He wanted to know what I was...in one word. I sat staring at him for a long time and finally said, I am...


Wishful? He asks, looking somewhat skeptical of the answer I have finally settled on.

Yes, I tell him.

I am wishful.

Wishful for happiness.
Wishful for peace.
Wishful for love.
Wishful for understanding.

The list went on.

And, finally, I tell him, I am wishful for there to be a higher being than us all. Someone with a plan. Someone that knows the why for all the pain and suffering and the trials and tribulations. Someone to make it all worthwhile. So he asks, if I wanted there to be a God, why didn't I believe in one? I told him I wanted unicorns too.

Then the alarm went off.

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