June 14, 2012


I recently was told that I was born under the new moon. I found this fascinating, just because I have a long felt connection with the moon...but never really considered what phase I was born under. The new moon is basically the opposite of the full moon. The new moon occurs when the moon is between the earth and the sun, and as I understand it, they rise and set about the same time...rendering the moon invisible to the naked eye.

Want to know what phase you were born under?


Just like astrology, some believe the phase at the time of your birth influences your personalty. According to one site, the child born under the dark sky of the new moon is:

This person possesses a quality of spontaneity, thus, planning ahead is not always met with success. They view life as a grand adventure with unlimited possibilities. Living in the moment, the past is not important to them. Being born when the Moon sheds no light, they have come to learn to respond instinctually and to act on intuition. They are able to navigate without maps and arrive at their destination with time to spare. They are often criticized for being overly self involved, but there is a need for them to learn about who they are and to project it into the world.

I'll share that link too, just for the fun of it...


June 13, 2012

Stuck in your head.

Don't let your head get in your way. What you tell yourself can make all the difference in the world. Talk yourself up. Doesn't cost a thing.

June 12, 2012


I have had some bizarre dreams recently. Some of which I would only share with close friends. Some of which I'll keep to myself. I am not sure what has produced such vivid dreaming. I am grateful for the sleep.

Last nights dream stuck with me through the day. This is another aspect of these dreams, they don't shred like gossamer at the sound of the alarm. In the dream I was being interviewed. They had asked me a long list of questions. I'm not sure why I was being interviewed. The questions were not job related nor were they subject related. A lot of interests, beliefs, thoughts, etc were covered. Some were very intrusive, but did not bother me in the dream. I answered all of the questions honestly...and without a hint of sarcasm or wit. Not me at all. Now that I think about it, it was like I was in a trance. Eventually, the interviewer struck on the subject of religion. I explained my beliefs and dis-beliefs. But for the first time in the interview, he was accepting of my answer. He wanted a word. I told him I could not give him one. I am not Christian or any other religious affiliation. I am not agnostic or atheist. He pointed out that I kept telling him what I was not. He wanted to know what I was...in one word. I sat staring at him for a long time and finally said, I am...


Wishful? He asks, looking somewhat skeptical of the answer I have finally settled on.

Yes, I tell him.

I am wishful.

Wishful for happiness.
Wishful for peace.
Wishful for love.
Wishful for understanding.

The list went on.

And, finally, I tell him, I am wishful for there to be a higher being than us all. Someone with a plan. Someone that knows the why for all the pain and suffering and the trials and tribulations. Someone to make it all worthwhile. So he asks, if I wanted there to be a God, why didn't I believe in one? I told him I wanted unicorns too.

Then the alarm went off.

June 07, 2012


This is a frequent post by me...words. Mightier than the sword and all. From the book I'm reading...

"Ignorance isn't bliss, but neither is knowledge. Sometimes you just know more, but it doesn't make you any happier."

You can never unknow. It's a fact of life. All you can do is forgive and move on...or just move on if forgiveness isn't an option.

June 01, 2012

I have changed

Not that everybody notices. It's been a gradual thing. I know I am different. There are specific events from the past that I would not tolerate today. I am stronger, more self assured. Thirty years ago, I was told I'd have to leave the hospital, visiting hours were over. My husband was still sedated from emergency surgery. He had no idea what had happened...or how close he had been to a real tragedy. I picked up my purse and quietly went home. He awoke later, alone and confused. Fifteen years ago, I started a new job. They asked what name I wanted on my name tag. They used my first name instead. I pinned it on and got used to it. Neither of these would happen now. Now, I would be polite, but firm, with the nurse that I was staying until my husband woke. I have no doubt that she would have agreed. I have a look and a tone of voice that few people will argue with. Now, I would take the name tag to HR and politely, but firmly, make sure they had the spelling of my middle name correct...though the first name really did work out better.