December 02, 2010


Guilt is not one of my better emotions. I don't mean guilt, because I did something wrong, I mean guilt as in someone trying to manipulate me. I have had an over abundance of guilt, it was standard operating procedure for my Mom. She never seemed to figure out that it did not work on me...and often had negative consequences.

Tonight, a cousin...that I have had little contact with, by my choice, decided to post on my Facebook wall something to the effect of, It wouldn't kill you to call me or your Aunt (her Mom and my mother's sister), we are family you know. I deleted her from my friends and blocked her account.

Drastic? Perhaps.

Regrets? None.

I had accepted her friend request reluctantly...we have never been friends. She'll never know how lucky she was. I acted quickly and decisively...I could have posted back instead. Words are something I am very, very good at. I could have told her what I thought of her suggestion. I took the higher road. I grew up in that toxic environment. I am an adult now and will pick who I share my life with.

I did not book passage on your guilt trip. I'll just stand here and watch you sail hell.

Nothing lost.

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