September 10, 2009

Consider this...

I want you to consider this question: What would you want to have if you became stranded on a tropical island?

We'll get back to that in a moment while you consider your options.

A few more questions I've heard that the answers seemed more than obvious to me:

1. What's the number 1 cause of teen pregnancy?

2. What's the number 1 cause of mortality in the United States?

The answer to 1, according to most sources, is the lack of sex ed in schools. On question 2 the prevelant answer is heart disease.

Do you have your list of supplies ready yet? What if I limited you to, say, three. Does that narrow it down?

My answer to question is the number 1 cause of teen (or any other) pregnancy. And the leading cause of mortality...death. Does it really matter from what?

Finished packing? Ready to travel? What 3 things did you decide on?

Personally if I get stranded on a tropical island, I want....

A credit card and a luxury hotel...and eventually an airport.

It's all about how you think.

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