December 22, 2017

My first ever, and possibly last, Christmas news letter

I walked out of work this afternoon, and for the first time this year, it felt like Christmas. Not the tree. Not the shopping, or wrapping. Not the making of goodies. But the shedding of work. The weight fell away as I walked across the street. I am off the next four days. I only work 24 hours the rest of the year. Ahhhh. 

While I'm speaking about work. I will mention my first gratitude. Yes, my job is stressful and I spend a lot of time annoyed by it, but I am thankful for my job. I work in a reasonably safe environment ::cough, sniffle:: I am paid well. It is not physical labor. I am too old for that shit. :) 

Age. An inescapable fact of life. Every 5 years, it seems, I am more aware of the changes. I have slowed down, just a bit. The parties are fewer, less rough, and end earlier. I consider myself relatively healthy, especially compared to the charts I read every day. The last 14 months have left me feeling a little picked on. I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis/Disease in October 2016. I only had to try 2 medications, to find one that agreed with me. I hear that's unusual. I'm grateful, because I don't always do well with medications. In May of 2017, I was diagnosed with diabetes. No big shocker. After all, both of my parents were diabetic. It only took me 6 months, to get my numbers back to normal. Here is hoping I can maintain it. Controlling diabetes isn't very easy for a lot of people. I have lost several friends to that battle. This month, I was diagnosed (I am beginning to hate that word) with Monoclonal B Cell Lymphocytosis (MBL). My bone marrow is broken. Could have been leukemia. Might still be leukemia, in a year, 10 years, 20 years. One side of a number on a lab value, I have MBL. A few numbers higher I have CLL. I am grateful for MBL. It could have been worse. Don't have to treat it currently. I still feel fine. I've had more than my share of doctors. I have RA, DM and MBL. I don't need any more letters. 

My family grew this past year. My oldest son got married and I gained a daughter-in-law and granddaughter. Daughter-in-law still sounds so strange to me. I. Am. A mother-in-law. As in most things, I do not plan on being stereotypical. Or like my Mom. I want a good relationship with her. So far, so good. We will soon be celebrating 38 years of marriage. I wish that for my son. My two oldest grandkids started a new school this year. They are living with us full time now, with their Dad. They are doing so much better. They seem happier. I want so much for them to grow up secure and happy. I am grateful for my family.

I have extended my family over recent years by adopting, and being adopted by, friends. They have given me a strong network of people that I care a great deal about, and that I believe care about me. I am so grateful for everyone of them. They have changed my life in immeasurable ways. 

Oh yeah, I forgot, the purpose of these things is to brag. Right? My granddaughter made Student of the Month at her school. :) I went to Colorado this summer. I was amazed by the Rockies. They make the Smokey Mountains look like green hills. We returned to Mexico. I think that was our 9th year, as the passports expire in May. Not ready to stop yet. We're thinking of going to the Dominican Republic next year. I am so grateful that I can travel, even if not that far. Yet. Maybe one day, I'll make it to Italy, Spain or Greece. I am grateful for friends that go with, or open their doors to me. 

I look around the world, and I see all the things I have to be grateful for. A roof over my head. A bed to sleep in. Hot running water. Climate control. A running car. I know I am forgetting something. I have so much. I look at the gifts under my tree and I am so happy to be able to have something for everyone. We take so much for granted. Nothing is guaranteed. Hug your family. Have lunch with a friend. Take a trip. Take a nap. :) Count your blessings. Be a blessing. If you have made it this far, I am grateful that you care enough to read my words. Happy Holidays. Merry Christmas. Happy Yule. Happy Hanukkah. Happy New Year. Be happy. Bring love and joy to all that may cross your path. BE THAT ANNOYING, HAPPY ASS, PERSON. 

I'll quit being sappy now. 

P.S. I am not grateful that my text is so small. :(

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