December 05, 2014

Four a shade of blue

When I was very young, school determined that I needed glasses...terribly. For whatever reason, I don't know why, Mom sent Dad and I off to get me glasses. I don't remember this, but my guess is, my Dad let me pick the ones I wanted. They were baby blue. I assume, my favorite color at that time. Mom was not happy. She mentioned it many times while I was growing up. I am not sure why, but she did not think blue eyeglasses were a good idea.

Much more recently, school determined that my grandson needed glasses. He came into the house tonight wearing them. The first thing I did, was tell him how much I liked them. Believe me, all children, that wear glasses, need to hear this. There is way too much ridicule where glasses are involved. The second thing I did was smile to myself, because his first glasses are blue.

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