February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day...what a crock

I have seen, and heard, a lot of people bemoaning their lonely Valentine's Day. I, in no way, wish to belittle your feelings; I can not tell you how to feel...and I, too, have fallen victim to the Hallmark view of life. But I'll share a thought...

Contrary to what TV, florist, chocolatiers, fine dining establishments, Hallmark, etc. would have you believe, not everybody, but you, is sipping champagne by candlelight. Valentine's Day is a commercial holiday. A $13 million holiday based on idealism, competition and a lot of guilt, based on the advertisements I hear. Men feel pressured to go, all out, to prove their love on this one day of the year...lest they be scorned and ridiculed for not living up to the hype. Some women seem to feel the need to brag and show off that their significant other out did yours. Why else are so many flowers delivered to work? It sure isn't for convenience; have you ever driven home with a vase full of flowers? It's the Valentine's Day status symbol. There are a lot of happy couples out there not celebrating, today is no different than any other day. I don't need roses or chocolate to know he loves me. I actually even asked him to not buy me a card. I requested that he pick up dinner, so we wouldn't have to go out...we eat out all the time. I would much rather he buy me flowers on a whim, and roses are not necessary. Rather than a than a 2 lb heart of mystery chocolates, I'd rather have a bag of Lindt truffles; which he went out one evening and bought because I had a sweet craving. Don't let Hallmark make you miserable, on this one day of the year, with their hearts and cupids. I'd almost be willing to bet, that some of those women who were gushing over exorbitantly expensive roses this afternoon at work, would love to trade you for your independence, your solitude, your weekend.

Roses don't buy happiness.

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