October 05, 2011

A story long forgotten

Something made me think of this yesterday...

After my parents bought a house in Florida, my Dad wanted a palm tree in the yard. Mom didn't...and it was usually easier to just let Mom have her way. But Dad could sometimes make an end run around my Mom...he was a clever man.

He had acquired a palm tree seed somehow and while my sons and I were visiting he told them they were going to plant the seed and wouldn't that be fun? I think they were about 3 and 6. Of course, they agreed wholeheartedly.  Dad dug a hole, the boys put in the seed and watered it, then Dad gave them magic dust to sprinkle over it. Mom was at work during all of this conniving. When she got home the boys excitedly explained about the palm tree and the magic dust. My Dad got one of those looks. My Mom and I took the kids to the beach. My Mom voiced her exasperation at my Dad's behavior, outside of the boy's hearing thankfully. She could not understand his desire for a palm tree, they make a mess, she said. No big worry, she continued, what were the chances that the tree would even grow. No telling where he got the seed...or how old it was. She ranted awhile, I nodded my head, then moved on to other things. Soon the palm tree was forgotten. The boys ran and played. As we headed home the boys were happy...and exhausted. We pulled into the driveway and they tumbled out of the van, their excitement suddenly peaked as they spotted the palm tree standing where they had planted it hours earlier...every bit of 3-4 foot tall.

My Dad was so proud...but smart enough to smother the smile. He knew that palm tree was a protected for all time, because it was...the boy's magic palm tree.

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