March 02, 2011

I'm going to rant now

How freaking stupid are people? The limitless ability of some individuals to behave in a moronic fashion never ceases to amaze me...nor do some individuals ability to manipulate others or lack of thought in making choices. 

What has my ire up?

A news story. I swear I need to quit watching the news.

The Supreme Court ruled today that the protesters at military funerals were protected under the First Amendment. I won't argue that. I don't agree with their actions in no way, shape or seems to me to be inappropriate and hurtful when families are at their lowest point...but in this country we have the right of free speech. Many a soldier has died defending that right. 

If you've missed this...

Westboro Baptist Church members have been protesting at soldier's funerals. The news reports show members of the church holding signs reading, "Thank God for dead soldiers" "You're Going to Hell" and "God Hates the USA/Thank God for 9/11". 

Reportedly, the church believes God is punishing the military for the nation's tolerance of homosexuality.

I can't quite make the connection between being anti-gay and protesting and disrupting a funeral. Or even the connection between homosexuality and the military in an era of don't ask don't tell. They aren't protesting at gay soldier's funerals. I don't understand their leap in logic here. And personally, I can't imagine worshiping a God that would kill soldiers because of government policies. Why kill the soldiers if you could just take out the chiefs? None of it makes sense to me. Or why would an omnipotent God kill a straight soldier to punish homosexuality? Isn't that a little counter productive? These people just look crazy to me. I guess that explains their lack of empathy.

If God is into punishing individuals for the beliefs of the greater organization...I worry for their children.

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