March 15, 2011

Dear Medicare...please stop

I am a nurse. I think I always wanted to be a nurse. I currently work as a care manager...there are a lot of hats that come with that job. Unfortunately, in this job, I deal a lot with Medicare rules. People think the tax code is complicated...oh my. And so far, it doesn't appear that anyone is even looking at putting an end to the madness. They have all the power and I'm drowning under it all.

An example...

Medicare determines the amount of money a hospital will be paid based on the diagnosis. This isn't as easy as it sounds, but I am trying to simplify. So hospitals are encouraged to move patients through the system as quickly as possible to be financially viable. Then Medicare decided that if patients return to the hospital within 30 days for the same diagnosis, the hospital would not be paid, on the theory the patient was discharged too soon. So it was decided that patients that were frequently admitted should be sent home with home health, to help maintain them at home. Beginning April 1, the physician will need to complete a form for patients to go home with home health. Do you know how hard it is to get a doctor to complete a form?

Hospitals can not survive without Medicare, so we are forced to jump through the matter how high, how small or how utterly ridicules the latest rules they concoct. Nurses spend more time meeting the criteria every day...form after form, which means less time taking care of sick people.

I am regretting my career choice more and more. I am sick and tired of Medicare's tyrannical rule over healthcare. Somebody needs to put a leash on them.

March 04, 2011

Things I know

I identify myself as agnostic, but will admit that I am not atheist only because it takes too much commitment. I really am not an always/never sort of person. I am more...maybe. This being said, I was surprised recently to be standing with a group of people that I am sure would all identify themselves as Christian, and I am the only one that could quote a Bible verse off the top of my head...or at least a close approximation of one.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, so that those who believeth in him would not perish, but would have everlasting life. John 3:16

I was told, once upon a time, that it was the most important verse in the Bible. Kind of sums up the whole thing.

March 03, 2011


Someone I know had a traumatic experience recently, and her talking about it inadvertently brought up an old experience of mine. That seems to be happening a lot lately.

I guess it's been about 7 years...

I was woke early in the morning by a phone call, a frantic voice on the other end, sobbing, "I think my Dad is dead." It was a young girl and after some initial confusion, I realized who it was and rushed across town to her home. When I arrived there was chaos...police, ambulance, friends, neighbors, gawkers. I pushed my way through and into the house, still not knowing what had happened. I found my son's young friend, a girl of 14, huddled and crying in the living room with friends that had been sleeping over. Her father had killed himself, a suicide by gunshot, witnessed by the man's girlfriend. Apparently, the police took one look at me and decided I was the most responsible adult on the scene. I was older, had not been present and wasn't falling apart. I'm told I have a look about me that says, in charge and under control...that is not always a good thing. I suddenly found myself right in the middle of an ugly situation. Instead of taking care of a 14 year old girl and her younger brother as I had anticipated....or for that fact, thinking I'd arrive to find her Dad sick, passed out...anything but dead, and at his own hand, I found myself answering police questions, identifying the body and taking possession of his guns, along with other belongings the police were considerate enough to not want to fall into the kid's hands. The police were very professional. They made my trip into the basement...less painful? Less shocking? This was someone I had known. Someone my kids and I spent time with. But the police officers covered everything they could and were very careful to show me just his face. But I knew. I knew what was behind, below, beyond that masking. But I prefer to deal with my imagination than the reality. I will also say that I would rather be the one that took on that task instead of the people huddled in the living room upstairs. They had already been through enough...and would have way more to deal with in the future. His death left a large gap and a lot of questions in many lives. And the one thing I did, maybe the biggest change I made that day, was to prevent that body from going through that living room. The ambulance crew had brought him up the basement stairs into the dining room, where I was standing, yet again conversing with a police officer over some detail. They turned the stretcher towards the living room and I stepped in front of them. I told them they were not going that way. I told them to go out the back door. The EMT argued that to go out the back door they would have to go down two flights of narrow stairs. I repeated that they were not going through the living room where this man's children and friends sat. The police officer looked at me, I think he knew a fight was brewing and directed the EMT to the back door. I will never regret being there to make that stand. It is a memory nobody needed.

I am a strong person. My experiences make me stronger. Sometimes I don't want to be the strong one that others rely on...but sometimes, I'm glad I was.

Even when others may never even realize that I stood up for them.

March 02, 2011

I'm going to rant now

How freaking stupid are people? The limitless ability of some individuals to behave in a moronic fashion never ceases to amaze me...nor do some individuals ability to manipulate others or lack of thought in making choices. 

What has my ire up?

A news story. I swear I need to quit watching the news.

The Supreme Court ruled today that the protesters at military funerals were protected under the First Amendment. I won't argue that. I don't agree with their actions in no way, shape or seems to me to be inappropriate and hurtful when families are at their lowest point...but in this country we have the right of free speech. Many a soldier has died defending that right. 

If you've missed this...

Westboro Baptist Church members have been protesting at soldier's funerals. The news reports show members of the church holding signs reading, "Thank God for dead soldiers" "You're Going to Hell" and "God Hates the USA/Thank God for 9/11". 

Reportedly, the church believes God is punishing the military for the nation's tolerance of homosexuality.

I can't quite make the connection between being anti-gay and protesting and disrupting a funeral. Or even the connection between homosexuality and the military in an era of don't ask don't tell. They aren't protesting at gay soldier's funerals. I don't understand their leap in logic here. And personally, I can't imagine worshiping a God that would kill soldiers because of government policies. Why kill the soldiers if you could just take out the chiefs? None of it makes sense to me. Or why would an omnipotent God kill a straight soldier to punish homosexuality? Isn't that a little counter productive? These people just look crazy to me. I guess that explains their lack of empathy.

If God is into punishing individuals for the beliefs of the greater organization...I worry for their children.