November 21, 2010

Recreating life

I have found my thoughts and opinions on many subjects have changed over the years...experience, age, wisdom? I don't know. One of those things I become painfully aware of this time of year. Like a lot of grown ups, and in my case I use the term loosely, I hate the holidays. Or more accurately, I guess I should say, I was beginning to hate the holidays. Life seems to have that effect. We lose loved ones, traditions fade, and the holidays are never the same. But thanks to some wonderful friends, that feeling is fading somewhat. We have started celebrating non-biological family holidays (why do you not change the y to i and add es on holidays?). The family you chose. We started with Christmas, and expanded to Thanksgiving this year. There are no petty squabbles, one-up-manship, sibling rivalries (though siblings are involved) none of the crap frequently encountered at family holidays. Nine of us sat around the dinner table last night, we enjoyed wonderful food and good conversation and easy companionship. I laughed until it hurt, literally. What a wonderful feeling. I am so glad they like my company and chose me as family. Next up Christmas. In the vacation next Spring.

1 comment:

Moonlight spark said...

It works both ways sister. I could not have picked a better sister to have.