August 30, 2010


I attended the Louisville Zombie Attack for the second year last night. I believe this was the 6th one. I am told this started out as some local guy's birthday party with about 25 people. Last night, I'm guessing, there were several thousand...and an attempt at a world record. This always occurs in Louisville on August 29 (8/29) at 8:29PM. Last year, the zombies shambled along the sidewalk, primarily, on one side of the street. This year the zombies flowed out onto Bardstown Road from both sides of Eastern Parkway. Many spectators come to see the show. It's hot, as is typical for August. Add in make-up, prosthetics, wigs, costuming and a couple thousand people in the width of a road and it get sweltering. It's noisy. As you might expect. Then add in a chainsaw...or three. It's also a lot of fun...something quirky with your friends. Afterwards, we wandered down Bardstown Road to one of the coffee houses, then next door for dinner...yes there were a few odd stares, but not as many as you'd expect. Most of the locals know. We often wonder about that odd visitor, or uninformed local, that stumbles into the Highlands by some weird turn of fate and comes face to face with the zombie horde.

August 21, 2010


Why is it that my mind is most creative somewhere between this world and sleep? I am not really awake, but not dreaming. I am floating there, relaxed, with some conscious ability to direct my thinking, and I can compose my thoughts into amazing order. Everything seems so clear and precise. The words perfect. But when I wake in the morning that clarity dissipate like gold dust in running water. If I immediately break sleep's spell, I can write the thoughts down and preserve them...but sleep is such a desired, and not so easily obtainable, commodity for me.

August 17, 2010


I long ago decided that I did not believe in religion. Religion not being the same as God. Religion is man-made, and therefore fallible. Religion is often twisted and turned to suit the agenda of a group or individual...if it were not so, wouldn't there only be ONE religion for each deity?

There was a time that I had a very strong faith. I felt His presence in my life. I even went in search of a religion that would give me a stronger foundation in my beliefs. I very much admire people that make choices about their beliefs...and life. I was unsuccessful. I could find more things I disagreed with, than what felt right.

I have for some time now identified myself as I tend not to be a never/always kind of person. I can't say that there is no God, but He is not a part of my life. I envy people that find such joy, but I  find no comfort there. I have come to a point in my life now, where I ask myself serious questions. Questions many people, it seems, would never dare contemplate...especially out loud. Why? Fear. Fear of retribution from a wrathful God. Fear of condemnation by family and friends...or religious zealots. There are few people more dangerous than those that claim a close personal relationship with their God. I do not want to embrace something out of fear. I would rather embrace a loving God. One that realizes that I am human and imperfect and would forgive me my questions and doubts as long as I have tried to live a good life. Personally, questioning is a sign of intelligence. I would think MY God would appreciate that in his children.

August 16, 2010

How I feel

On a very rare occasion I share how I feel, really feel, deep down...those painful thoughts that usually stay buried deep beneath all the bluster and humor. It isn't easy for me to do. I don't know why. It may take a crack code breaker to get the meaning, but it's there, all laid out bare for the world to see.

And the world remains silent.

August 10, 2010

Getting the right answer

I have, over the years, contemplated the "perfect job". I have considered working hours, weekends, holidays and compensation. I have debated physical environment and location. And let's not forget personal satisfaction. After all this thought and debate it occurred to me today that I have had it wrong all along. The perfect job is ::drum roll:: one where I get paid, without actually doing anything.