May 23, 2009

A sad sight

As tends to be the case, a rainy Spring and the warmth of approaching Summer has brought about grass cutting season (and my allergies). This year I've noticed something different.

There are always those few people that will procrastinate mowing the lawn as long as possible...until the health department shows up or they're at actual risk of losing a small child. But this year I am noticing more overgrown lawns. The difference...the houses are empty. I don't know how long they've sat vacant over the winter. Their secret safe. The long grass announces their presences on nearly every street. It is a sad sight to see.

To the stalkers...

For the few that know me and actually find this blog, you will not find much new here as I have been duplicating myself. Scary thought, huh? After a few strange incidents I found myself wondering if Mojo would one day permanently, even if accidentally, delete my blog. I found that thought somewhat distressing. What I write may be of little relevance, but it is the journey of my musings. I spend a great deal of time putting just the right words together to convey my thoughts and emotions. I would find it distressing to find myself staring at a blank page.

I actually prefer this format and the freedom it allowed me in expressing myself beyond my words in it's design. I had not publicly shared it's existence with others, it felt more the journal once hidden beneath the mattress. Nothing about it said it was mine, no name identified it...and I just added the photo today. So here it is...the deep dark secret.

May 19, 2009

The giant vortex sucks me in

You know that feeling you get sometimes that the world is out to get you? Well, it seems, I just hit the mother lode. Actually, to tell the truth, it really isn't THAT bad. I've had bad times...and this is not one of them. Nobody is sick or dying. I didn't just loose my best friend. My dog did not get hit by a car. No earthquakes, fires, tornadoes or tsunamis. You changing events. This is more like some prankster is out to get me. I know there are legends in many cultures about such an entity...none of which come to mind and I'm too lazy to Google search it at the moment.

Example...last night I decided on chips and salsa. Yum. I pour salsa into a bowl and open the cabinet for the chips. A box falls from the cabinet knocking the bowl (plastic) from my hand. The bowl hits the floor and salsa goes everywhere! Quit laughing. It is all down the front of me, it's on my white cabinets on both sides of the kitchen and about 5 feet out into my dining room. It is all over the dining room table and chairs...with white cushions. I know, I know...I was asking for it buying chairs with white cushions. Luckily it wiped right off. I spent the next 15 minutes, I guess, cleaning up...and losing any interest in actually eating the salsa.

This was not a lone incident. I have the fear that I am destined to actually hurt myself in some uncoordinated and completely humiliating act of unbelievable proportions. has been that bad. I am surprised I didn't fall face down in the salsa while spraining my nose, or some other ridiculous feat.

Or maybe I'm just looking for a reason to stay in bed.

This desire was not helped today when some strange, unknown to me, kid rang my doorbell...repeatedly, waking up my sleeping, night shift working, son. The kid, middle school aged I'd guess, then complained to me that another, unknown to me kid, was going to beat him up. I know my response was probably not the proper one...but really, what concern is this to me? My angry, just woke up, son did yell at them to get out our yard. I may have reacted differently if this had looked to be of some real concern. But they acted, and fought, more like giggly school girls than boys at any risk of actually harming each other. Nope probably wouldn't have changed my mind....just I would have yelled at them to get out of our yard. I've raised my sons. I've dealt with the bullying and bullshit that goes with it. I have absolutely no desire to do it anymore, especially with kids I've never seen. Next thing I know I'll have some parent down here yelling I hurt Tommy's poor little feelings. Jeez.

On a final note...I have the phrase, "All the truths he tells you are lies." stuck in my head. I don't think it comes from anywhere except the deep recesses of my psyche...and no I don't have any reason to believe anyone is being untruthful to me.

Maybe I should take a look at my bed; safe, warm, quiet...

May 10, 2009

Star Trek

As usual, I will try not to spoil the movie for those that haven't seen it...what are you waiting for?

I enjoyed this movie. I watched the original Star Trek TV series as a kid...yes, I am that old! Though I have never really considered myself a Trekkie. I don't own a Star Fleet uniform, a com badge or a single solitary action figure. This movie is a prequel to that old TV series. It shows the assembly of the USS Enterprise crew. But it isn't like so many other tired attempts at ringing the last drop of life blood from a subject. This movie was fun! There were cheers and applause in the theater, several times actually. It was true to the characters that many of us remembered but still fresh. I left the theater happy. I had went with trepidation and not expecting much...I was wonderfully surprised.

May 05, 2009

Best Shirt

I guess just about everybody has had a favorite shirt at one time or another. The one you'd wear everyday...if people wouldn't make fun of you. It may grow old and a little ragged, but it's still your favorite. Imagine one day you open your closet and your favorite shirt is nowhere to be found. You search high and low, but nothing. No matter what you do you can't seem to reconnect. Sure, there are other shirts, lots of them. Same color, same style, same fabric...but not the same. There is no history with these shirts. You go on, buy a new one or two. But you always wonder what happened. You tell yourself that you really had outgrown the old shirt, that it really didn't fit you so well anymore. But it was so comfortable. Eventually a new shirt will become your favorite. You may have to shop for a while and try on lots of new ones. Then one day, down the road, the old favorite pops up out of nowhere. Can you have two favorites? Does that stand in opposition to the definition of favorite? Or is it time to toss the old shirt permanently? After really doesn't fit anymore.

Look up metaphor.