January 01, 2009

Happy New Year

Today is the first day of the rest of your...year. I'm not sure why we invest so much into the changing of the year. Things do not change over night just because we throw away the old calendar. Maybe if we spent more time wishing well to our fellow man other than holidays, we could indeed make a difference. Yes, I spent the night celebrating with friends...but that is not all the unusual. We ate and drank and played Rock Band. I somehow missed the ball drop in Times Square, but I'm sure it was there. There were hugs and kisses all around...and a few tears. But again, this is hardly unusual. Maybe this is why my friends have become so close...there are rifts and differences, but in the end there is a general feeling of support and caring. I wouldn't want it any other way. So I say to you, Happy New Year, happy January, happy Thursday. May your mind be free, your body healthy, your life full of love. May you have all that you need and offer the extra to those less fortunate. May you offer understanding and compassion to others and may they grant you the same. May you find what you seek. May you find a reason to celebrate and have those you love help you do it. Most of all, be happy.

Welcome 2009...be gentle with us.

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