July 24, 2016

Emotionally inaccurate

Don't assume because you see laughter, that I am happy.
Don't assume because you see me being silly, that I am stupid.
Don't assume because you see a tear, that I am sad.*

*Especially that one. I cry for a lot of reasons. Most often it is to release the pressure that could do serious harm.


When you hear me say, I am angry, believe it.
When you hear me say, stop, believe it.
When you hear me say, I'm done with you, believe it.

July 16, 2016

Two people diverge in the woods...

It always amazes me how two people can travel along the same road for years. Then one hits a rock in the road and is flung off into the woods. Sometimes they try to find each other. Sometimes, one of them just speeds off. Sometimes they meet again at a crossroads and decide to travel along together again. Maybe, they'll be more careful of rocks in the path this time. Maybe not.

Life is so different depending on the path you choose, and the people that travel it with you. Getting lost isn't always bad, as long as you can still find yourself. Without ever getting lost, how do you know what possibilities exists? Staying on the well worn path, is safe. But sometimes, a rock is good for everybody.

July 01, 2016

My state of being

 I was thinking this morning, that what I learned yesterday, might be beneficial to others. So here I am writing. I have, yet again, discovered that I have a malady potentially brought on by lifestyle. I went to a dermatologist to discuss a couple of things. One of the issues was my fingernails. They have developed vertical ridges, running from the tips to the cuticles. This was bothersome for a couple of reasons. I was concerned I had a fungal infection. And, one of the nails kept trying to split along one of the ridges, vertically. I kept trimming it back, which seemed to be keeping it in check. I knew if that nail split back that way, it was going to hurt, a lot. The good news, no fungal infection. The dermatologist said that my nails were very thin. I knew that, they have always been thin. He said what was causing the ridges was stress. Not mental stress, but physical stress--potentially, from typing. And since I know a lot of us spend time doing that, for work and/or recreation, I thought I would share. My nails, especially my thumbs, split about a 1/3 of the way from the tip. He said that is likely stress from hitting the space bar.

He has written me a prescription for something that is applied to the nails. The pharmacy was out of it yesterday, and it may require pre-approval from the insurance--not holding my breath on that one. His other recommendation was Biotin. I already take a multivitamin, so I checked, it only has 5% of the recommended dosage of Biotin. So I guess I will start taking another pill (ugh), or find a better multivitamin. He said that you can usually find Biotin in a vitamin for hair, nail and skin. Who couldn't use help in all those areas? OK, shut up people with perfect skin, nails and hair.

In addition to a daily multivitamin, I take Calcium with Vitamin D, because I am lacking. It was discovered on a lab result, some years ago, that I essentially had no Vitamin D in my system. Not enough unprotected sunshine. Nor, do I consume much dairy. I also take a B12, because the proton pump inhibitor (Pepcid, Zantac, etc) that I take, interferes with it. Also discovered in lab work. So, yes, I am taking a pill because I take a pill. That bothers me--but not as much as the acid reflux. Have I mentioned that I hate taking pills? I am up to 7 a day. Only 2 are prescription, 3 vitamins/supplements, a baby aspirin and allergy medication. After seeing some of the medication lists at work, I figure I'm not doing too bad. But, I'll admit to having a frustrated doctor. She has gotten to the point where she says, I'll write the Rx, let me know if you're going to take it. Nurses make really bad patients.