April 23, 2014


I won't, generally, admit to what scares me. But, I will say that I am more afraid of the things in my head, than almost anything else you can throw at me. I lock it away for long periods of time, but every now and then, the lid creaks open .

And, that, is nearly impossible to escape.

April 21, 2014

Thinking about what you know

Picture a globe. Here, I'll help...
This is, generally, accepted as a representation of where we live. We all know it, but do we really think about it? The flat surface we stand on, isn't really flat. I'm guessing in North America that we slant north. At the equator, you'd be sticking out at a 90 degree angle, held in place by the invisible force of gravity. That is just not how you think of your place in the universe. So, why isn't it harder to walk north than south?

We also know that the sun does not revolve around the earth, so technically, we misspeak when we talk about the sun moving across the sky. The earth moves beneath the sun. Do I travel faster going east than west?

Just a few minutes inside my head.

April 19, 2014

I am not weak

I am not sure who decided that women are the weaker sex. Some, not so thoughtful, member of the masculine persuasion, I am sure. Yes, you can likely beat me at arm wrestling, bench press more and even pee standing up. But I challenge you to puberty, menstruation, hormones, pregnancy, childbirth and menopause. Any body that can stand up to all of that is far from weak. So put that bullshit in your pipe and smoke it.

April 08, 2014


I think I have discovered why I am not writing. Those weird random thoughts end up as Facebook status updates instead of a more thought out blog entry. I need to stop that. Why? because I like writing, even for myself. I like thinking through something instead of just a blurb. After all, I'm still getting to know me.