November 20, 2008

Left hand/Right hand

I heard this morning that a gay man sued eHarmony for discrimination because their dating service did not have an option for people to meet same sex partners....and won. Let me rephrase...the government, stepped in because a gay person was being discriminated that again slowly. I want you to get the full impact of my thinking process here. It may require you to take Tylenol later but it will be so worth it.

Our government, our legal system intervened...because gays were not allowed the same access to computer dating as heterosexual couples were on eHarmony.

But they still can't legally get married anywhere in this country. Because OUR government says so.

Left hand meet the right hand.

Want to chase that Tylenol with some tequila? Might kill the taste of hypocrisy.

November 05, 2008

Good luck Mr Obama

What a position to find yourself in...we're entrenched in a no win situation of a war without a graceful exit, the economy is in the toilet, we're 10 billion dollars in debt and everyone will expect you to fix it NOW. On top of that everyone is looking up to you, the first black American president, to either set a shining example or to fall flat on your face. No pressure there.

I do not envy you your position. But I will wish you the best of luck. I hope you can do it, I really do...for all our sakes. I do not know how you will deal with a war you didn't start, a budget shortfall not of your creation or the turmoil of Wall Street...or even Main Street, for that matter. But it will be expected, as it will soon be your job. The unfair part is the expectation that you can fix in quick form problems created over years, if not decades. If you fail it will be more than the failing of one human being to fix the ills of not only a nation, but of the world. Race doesn't matter, but it will...because you are first. If you fail your race will be judged. How could it not be? Afterall, the newsies are all talking about how America voted a black man for President...instead of saying America voted the BEST man for the job.

You made history. Now you have four years to determine how that story will be told. Will you be celebrated or become a footnote in the history books?

There are people out there that will wish you defeat, for their own hateful reasons. I hope you really can lift us up. I would like to see my sons working full time. I would like to see a health care system that is dependable and affordable for everyone. I would like to believe that no child goes hungry. I want a safe infrastructure. I want to be able to retire before I'm 80.

Good luck Mr're going to need it.